Raising a vegetarian child – The dilemma

My husband and I belong to a community which follows strict vegetarianism. We are strict vegetarians living outside of India and we understand the pain of living in a country which loves its sea food and meats. I am not a snob, I do not take a moral high ground and say that eating meat is wrong nor am I an animal activist. I am a person who is raised vegetarian, who somewhere along the way realized that she wanted to continue to be a vegetarian. Majority of my friends are non-vegetarians, and we have no issues with that. As long as they respect our choices we are fine with any food they want to eat.

Since I had my daughter, I have this dilemma, do I impose vegetarianism on her OR let her make her own decision ? My husband and I understand the pain of being vegetarian in a non vegetarian country. But Singaporeans are amazingly tolerant about our belief. There is no snigger or raised eyebrow, just acceptance which is really nice but that does not help our food choices which is extremely limited. I don’t know how being a vegetarian will pan out for my daughter. Food habits are something that will actually define social circles in the future . Food is something that people usually enjoy together and if I segregate her by imposing something she does not understand then, she may just rebel. I don’t want her to miss out on anything but I want her to understand her heritage and the reasons for it.

A small example as to why this is troubling. My daughter goes to a day care where they provide the food. Since it is non vegetarian I am uncomfortable with it and I pack her food for her. She will sit with other children eating the non-vegetarian food and may want to try. Nothing wrong. But then she will realize that she does taste these flavors and textures at home and it may cause confusions.

Before telling her anything I needed to be clear on why I am a vegetarian. Being brought up as a vegetarian has nothing to do with my choice of continuing to be a vegetarian now. I  enjoy my food, I never thought that I missed out on anything. It is a healthy life style and a non invasive choice in terms of the environment. And contrary to western beliefs, we get enough protein just a different source that is all.

Now that soul searching out of the way, I think I am in a position to explain to my daughter why we follow vegetarianism and why she is being raised as a vegetarian. But that said and done, it I think is mostly up to her as to if she wants to follow vegetarianism or not. It is more of a choice and lets face it, its just less exhausting to eat what you want than answer silly questions and feel included. Being vegetarian is exhausting and she will realize that if she wants to follow it, is her choice than ours.

About readingbythewindowsill
Avid reader,a passably good writer, possess a sense of adventure , a great cook , an enthusiastic traveler, an have an innate sense of curiosity that needs to be answered - I think all this describes me perfectly .

2 Responses to Raising a vegetarian child – The dilemma

  1. pratibha says:

    Achala, as we grow up, haven’t we always nutured the rebel in us? Have we not realized that there are times when we have broken rules, but that’s indeed how we want it, coz its harder to follow something simply for the sake of following. If vegetarianism is just something you follow because u have been brought up that way, then just let go of it…we have done that rule breaking many a time, so there is nothing much to think. Fortunately or unfortunately, in my case, although I am not an animal lover, I am very clear in my mind that I am against animal slaughter. It pains me in such a way that it is soul wrenching. Hence, I can NEVER adapt to non vegetarianism. So even if i were in China, I would have had to find a way out to make veg dishes and make it interesting enough for my child, which is quiet a challenge. Coz I am clear in my mind that although I was raised a vegetarian, I continue to follow it out of my own accord. If my child, at some point in time chooses the non veg path, then that’s something else. Just like how some of us we never introduced to drinking, but we DO now by choice. I understand that being in Singapore, your choices are less. But if u don’t have any hang ups about vegetarianism and if it was just by habit, then let go, haven’t we always been rebels??! Don’t feel guilty.

    • Yup that is my point. I can reason, tell her why we are the way we are by choice, though we have been bought up as vegetarians. But what she does after that is up to her. I think you will have to deal with the same thing even in India now.

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