My mother always said …

Now that am past that 30 mark, I feel that life is a little less messy. O don’t get me wrong life is difficult but looking at it from the wrong side of 30, I feel that it is more manageable. I don’t know if it is because I have somehow managed to raise a toddler in a foreign country or because you just don’t care any too much about inconsequential things or just that am too caught up with the mechanics of life. Since I am in a better place to advice (preach) my daughter now I thought I will jot it down before life complicates again and I get  bogged down. I want to incorporate these things in her psyche so that when she grows up she can say … My mother always said .. Mother-Daughter

  1. Be fearless: May it be your imagination or your dreams or your causes or your hobbies. It is important to be fearless about your choices and you beliefs. These are the aspects that define you, what you will become. There will be doubts in every step of the way but it is important to overcome them and move on.
  2.  Take your time: Life and nature move slowly, it takes time for those pimples to fade away or for those night terrors to pass or that math lesson to make sense. It is important to take your time to absorb an experience or a painful growth spurt or anything pleasant or unpleasant. Everything is important, take your time to sort things out.
  3. Read and educate yourself: Read read read. You will know the importance soon enough. Anything that interests you should be read. Anything that does not interest you should not be abandoned you should get back to it when you want to. Books are the only true friends you will ever have.
  4. Make friends and keep in touch: Its important to know people, not only know them but genuinely like them and network with them. Be a loyal friend. Try to keep in touch with most of the people you know. I know life comes in the way but people are important.
  5. Make mistakes: We will never protect you from your mistakes. You need to make mistakes to grow to understand. You need to get up quickly after a mistake and move on. The art of picking yourself up after you make that mistake is the one that makes you strong.
  6. Try everything: Experiences make you, YOU. So try everything, every experience is important. A loss, a win , a back stab , a humiliation , a new skill , a heart break everything.

I have many more advice on my mind but these are the ones that really matter !! Hope I can bring her up as a strong person.

About readingbythewindowsill
Avid reader,a passably good writer, possess a sense of adventure , a great cook , an enthusiastic traveler, an have an innate sense of curiosity that needs to be answered - I think all this describes me perfectly .

One Response to My mother always said …

  1. Anjali says:

    Lovely and helpful post dear 🙂

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