To eat or not to eat

It is 4 PM and am looking for something to munch on. If it were a perfect world where no one put on weight and everyone was in perfect health I would have grabbed a nice big samosa and to go with it I would have had some nice thick chocolate shake ( the corner house kind ) … I would be in heaven. Since we don’t live in a perfect world and in this place people like me do put on a lot of weight we cant do that so I settle down with a mug of green tea .. Sigh !!

We have such a strange and complicated relationship with food, it is especially true in our generation. We want to eat but we have been force fed all this research and given dire warnings from all these people, that we think twice before indulging. And do we indulge peacefully? NO. We first think before we grab that last chocolate cupcake, then even when we are eating it we are calling ourselves all kind of fool, after finishing the cup cake we bemoan the fact that we ate a scrumptious cupcake and think that we are the worst person with absolutely no will power. I am sure this happens to everyone.

I look around I see that we have equal number of restaurants that cater to every kind of cuisine in human history and health clubs and gyms that tell us not to walk into them because that is where evil resides. For every food blog / recipe site there is a health nut blog or diet site. In every food channel they first show you how to make delicious food then they ruin it by telling you the calorie count. That is so conflicting. Two different ideologies. There seems to be no balance.

Food is actually not only the fuel for the body, it is much more. It is something that can engage all your senses at once , bring you satisfaction and happiness in an instant. It is what brings families and cultures together. The kitchen is the most important room in the house. After knowing all this , we still share a love- hate relationship with food.

A few boring people say that eat what is prepared at home, where is the fun in that ? Others say , choose wisely , hello what does that mean ? Go on a cleansing diet , again its the same thing, the same conflict comes into play. Exercise a lot, not everyone is a fan. Some say think about tomorrow, you are going to be in a lot of trouble if you are not in shape. Cant help.

So what is the conclusion after all this rant , nothing at all. People with pesky health issues related to food, do try and stop yourself if you can. People who don’t have health issues do try and stop yourselves so that you can avoid pesky health issues later. All in all the conflict continues. Cheers.

About readingbythewindowsill
Avid reader,a passably good writer, possess a sense of adventure , a great cook , an enthusiastic traveler, an have an innate sense of curiosity that needs to be answered - I think all this describes me perfectly .

One Response to To eat or not to eat

  1. LFFL says:

    I’m going to opt for “EAT”.

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